Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Christmas Card 2015

I still need to update our blog with our awesome November fun and now December as well but the holidays and potty training has put our life a little behind :)  However, I thought maybe family and friends would enjoy seeing our Christmas, excuse me, I mean New Years Cards.  I went to pick up our cards a few weeks before Christmas only to discover that they had ALL been printed with the message "Love The Moss Family".  So they have been reprinted and are being dropped in the mail this week but for those who simply CANNOT wait, here is a digital copy. Enjoy!

We hope your 2015 was wonderful!  Here’s what the Nielsen Family was up to this year!
Shawn – Is still building his Farm Bureau agency.  We were warned that the first 3 years can be the hardest and his late nights are evidence of that.  He has 5 employees now and is looking to hire a few more the beginning of the year to help ease his work load so hopefully we will get to see more of him at home.  He enjoys golf, hunting and working outdoors whenever he does get time off.  He is currently serving in the Elders Quorum Presidency.
Alyssa (Me!) – I am a full time mama to Kimber and now little Brady.  They keep me BUSY!  In my “spare time” I try to keep my blog up to date to continue helping families in the Prader Willi Community by sharing our own story and experiences.  I am serving as Primary Secretary in our ward which has to be one of the best callings ever.
Kimber (2 ½) – Started walking early this year just before her 2nd birthday!  Her speech is amazing and she keeps us laughing on a daily basis with her very “grown up” vocabulary.  She knows her alphabet and numbers.  Her schedule still includes therapy multiple times a week and regular trips down to Primary Children’s Hospital to see various specialists but this is officially our “normal” and isn’t as overwhelming any more.  She love books, Elmo, Daniel Tiger, Word World, and singing at her nursery class with her friends.
One of the highlights of our year was a trip to Florida to see THE Prader Willi Specialist, Dr Miller.  Our appointment with her was worth the budgeting, planning and long flight over with a toddler at 7 months pregnant.  Dr. Miller was very impressed with Kimber’s progress and told us that she feels Kimber is definitely on the “mild” end of the Prader Willi Spectrum.  We left her office so full of hope and EXCITED for Kimber’s future.  Oh the places this little girl is going to go!  Watch out world!
Brady (4 mo) – The other highlight of our year!  Brady was born in August via c-section and has definitely brought a new level of “excitement” to our home.  The whole experience has been dramatically opposite to Kimber.  He was born with literally perfect apgar scores and our little man has not stopped to take a breath since!  He giggles, coos, rolls over and is DETERMINED to become totally mobile before his mama is ready for it! 
I have been asked if having a “typical” baby is easier or harder than my experience with Kimber.  It’s just DIFFERENT!  While it is nice not to have constant doctor and therapy appointments, it did take some time adjusting to a baby who actually cries, eats by mouth and spends more time awake than asleep!  We LOVE having him in our home and Kimber absolutely ADORES him.
We are so grateful for all of your love and support this year.  We look forward to what next year has in store for the Nielsen family!
Shawn, Alyssa, Kimber “Bean”, and Brady