People always seem to be reminding the younger generation "Life goes too fast! Don't blink or you'll miss it!" I never understood this until Kimber was born and suddenly life seemed to be thrown into double time. Well I'm convinced now that life just speeds up with each child you have! Suddenly the leaves are changing, the days are cooler and the nights are just flat out cold.
Kimber came into my room the other morning and asked to curl up with me under the covers. After a few precious minutes of snuggling I asked her, "Kimber should we get up?" She thought for a minute... "Ummm, no thanks." "We could make cake-cakes" I bribed. "No tant-too mom. I not hung. I too cold!" I guess when the child with PWS refuses to get out of bed for pancakes it is officially fall and time to crank up the heater!
So far our fall is off to a great start! Shawn has had several work trips this month which has left me to manage the two kids alone for several days. I'll admit, at first I didn't think it would be that big of a deal since he usually works until 8:30 or 9 anyways and gets home most nights just before I put Kimber in her bed. The first day he was gone I felt that I handled everything ok. I put Kimber to bed and sat down on the couch to enjoy a little chick flick when I realized all that was left undone! Trashes, dogs, chickens, beds, living room pick up, moving the last load of laundry from the washer to the dryer, the list literally goes on and ON. I don't know what I would do without that man. In a world where women are so proud to proclaim that they can do it all on their own I officially would like to say I could not do it without Shawn. He is the unsung hero of our home and I absolutely love him!
First football game! |
His business is going well. He currently has the most employees he has ever hired at one time and hopes to be able to really move his business forward in big leaps. We were able to enjoy box seats at the Aggie football game this month thanks to the wonderful people he associates with at ARS (a local flood and fire clean up company). It was Brady's first football game and Shawn got a VIP pass onto the field. It was such a fun night.
I am slowly adjusting to the happy chaos of two kids. Just when I think I have a handle on things Brady will change up his eating or sleeping schedule and I feel like we are all the way back at square one. My major accomplishment this month was getting Kimber back on her growth hormone prescription after a miscommunication with the health insurance caused us to have to go without for almost a month. We saw such a HUGE change in her strength, endurance, and especially her speech and cognitive function. We are also back into our full therapy and doctor appointment schedule which is also taking some adjustment with an extra person tagging along but it's been good for Kimber to get back to our "normal". I am SO grateful for the medical advances that help give us a happy, functioning Kimber.
I am recovering from my c-section well but it is taking a little longer than I remember with Kimber. However, I admittedly don't remember much about that period of time with Kimber and she was much smaller... and I didn't spend my days chasing down a two year old while taking care of a newborn so all things considered I think I'm doing pretty well :) Park outings with Whitney and her littles keep me sane and remind me to laugh.
Kimber dozed off while reading Brady and I a book. |

Kimber is growing up SO much! She knows all of her colors, can count to ten (mostly... we get a little confused about where 9 comes in on occasion) and can identify a violin, bass, flute, trump (trumpet), horn (french horn) and trom (trombone). She loves music and can sing "She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain", "On Top of Spaghetti", "The ABC Song", "The Wiseman Built His House Upon a Rock", "Jesus wants me for a sun-BEAN", "I am a Child of God" and parts of "Come Thou Fount". She LOVES the Mormon Tabernacle Choir about as much as she loves Elmo or Daniel Tiger. The other day she surprised me when she walked up to the TV screen which was displaying the Sesame Street logo and excitedly said "Mommy! I see a T!" Sure enough! She can identify the letters T, O, F, W, L, K, P, X and A.

She LOVES her baby Brady and is such a big help. She's quick to find the bottle or "fas-ifyer" when he is crying and is happy to throw away his diapers after a diaper change. The other day Brady was crying during tummy time. A very concerned Kimber found me to tell me "Brady sad! Brady no like his tummy!" I quickly tried to explain the benefits of tummy time in two year old appropriate terms while trying to get the next load of laundry in the washer. I dismissed the tears welling up in her eyes as a sign of exhaustion and made note that it was probably time to start getting ready for bed. When I came around the corner again I found her sitting next to him on the floor, with crocodile tears running down her face, gently rubbing his back saying "It's OK Brady. Brady bery stwong. It's OK Brady." She is an incredible little spirit and is constantly teaching her mama lessons about life, love and patience. She is one of a kind!
Brady is already one month old! I can't believe it. This month definitely went faster than the one before it. At one month old Brady has head control. He hates tummy time! So much so that he made it a priority to figure out how to roll from tummy to back. We were pretty shocked when he pulled it off! Thanks to our chiropractor he is sleeping almost 5 hours at night. The best way to describe him is just INTENSE. He has the cutest dimples and dad's personality. We are so happy to have him in our home!
Just a few more pictures from this month:
Brady sleeping in his "basket-nett" at Grandma's house |
At the park with Emery and Sage Noorda after Brady and Sage's 2 week check up! |
Brady in his Sunday best for his first day of church |
Kimber asks to hold "her baby" and is very protective of Brady. Brady loves his big sister. I am such a lucky mom!
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